Landmark addition to Southampton’s waterfront

Landmark addition to Southampton’s waterfront

We are delighted that the Southampton City Council Planning Committee has resolved to grant planning permission for the regeneration of Town Quay Marina, Southampton.

As landscape designers for the project, working alongside our internal landscape planning team,  HGP Architects and Luken Beck on planning, we have thoroughly enjoyed the collaborative process of shaping the public realm spaces around the marina. The proposals will transform this prominent waterfront site, delivering a 9-storey, 128-bedroom hotel, alongside 460 apartments, a new Red Jet passenger terminal, 12,000 sqm of reclaimed land and nearly two football pitches of open space, including a publicly accessible boardwalk.

Landmark addition to Southampton’s waterfront
Landmark addition to Southampton’s waterfront

Our landscape strategy has been shaped by key principles that enhance the historic character of the site while creating a welcoming and dynamic public realm:

  • Thresholds – Drawing people into and through the site, providing access to the waterfront
  • Promenades for Walking – Strengthening the sense of place and heritage by improving legibility within the site and its wider context
  • Positive Permissive Realm – Designing inviting, high-quality spaces that encourage engagement with the site’s rich history
  • Enhanced Public Spaces – Creating areas for activity or quiet contemplation, using high-quality materials to establish a strong sense of place
  • Connections – Establishing a clear hierarchy of routes linking the site to Mayflower Park, Queens Park, the City Centre, and Ocean Village
  • Urban Green Infrastructure – Enhancing the soft landscape along the dock frontages to improve user experience along the waterfront.

This development will bring much-needed housing to the city, while generating 270 jobs and contributing £5 million to the economy in wages per year. A huge thank you to our consultant team, Southampton City Council Officers and statutory consultees for their dedication in securing this landmark addition to Southampton’s waterfront.

Landmark addition to Southampton’s waterfront

© HGP Architects

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Landmark addition to Southampton’s waterfront
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