Nic Falconer

Nic Falconer
Nic Falconer BA (Hons)
Urban Design Assistant London 020 7620 1453

With a passion for masterplanning and visualisation, at university Nic was challenged with a variety of live projects involving real clients and stakeholders, tasking him to design sustainable mixed use neighbourhood schemes in and around Oxford, as well as regeneration proposals for iconic heritage sites across London. Nic has joined fabrik’s masterplanning team as a graduate, and is eagerly absorbing knowledge from those around him.  He places peoples’ needs at the forefront of his designs and understands the importance of collaborating with the community. During his final year at university he combined his enthusiasm for public participation and emerging technologies such as virtual reality, to undertake a research project exploring how  technology can be utilised to improve the public consultation process and mitigate the communication barriers between designers and the people they design for. He is a great communicator and enjoys working closely with his team to gather feedback and ensure that his work is always of a high quality.

Urban Design Assistant London

020 7620 1453