Planning success at Plumpton Green

Planning success at Plumpton Green

Following on from our Appeal success on the outline scheme for Fairfax, we are delighted to be part of the team that have secured the Reserved Matters associated with the delivery of 83 dwellings and associated green space in Plumpton Green, East Sussex, for Elivia Homes.

fabrik continued to provide landscape and visual advice through the evolution of the scheme, culminating in the submission of a Landscape and Visual Technical Note, landscape general arrangement plans and DAS input as part of the RMA.

The proposed development, consistent with the Appeal scheme, retains the key landscape features of the site, namely the existing vegetated field boundaries, setting the proposed development into an established landscape structure. Based around this, the proposals incorporate a network of multi-functional green spaces, including a broad landscape buffer along the eastern boundary and creating a range of opportunities for interacting with nature. This green network, together with tree lined streets, combine to bolster the existing vegetation structure of the site.

The RMA scheme has been sensitively designed relative to its context and in particular elevated distant views from the South Downs National Park to the south.

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Planning success at Plumpton Green
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