Reimagining spaces

Reimagining spaces

We are delighted to be invited to participate in the “Re-Imagine Spaces: Changing Uses, Changing Meanings, Changing Place” panel talk, hosted by Broadway Malyan at their London studio, as part of London Festival of Architecture’s Studio Lates.

The discussion will focus on exploring the creation of authentic and meaningful shared space through unconventional and ephemeral changes.  These might be performances, landscape improvements, temporary uses or other creative interventions.  During this a one-hour panel session, experts from across the industry will be sharing their insights into transforming spaces, creating social value and a sense of belonging. The speakers include:

Weather permitting, there will also be the chance to enjoy the outdoor pop-up Pimms bar.  We look forward to welcoming you to a memorable and inspiring evening.

Reimagining spaces

Event details

20th June at 6-9pm, Holmes House, 4 Pear Pl, London SE1 8BT

Please contact Kay Lung-Kendall if you would like to attend.


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