Welcoming the next generation

Welcoming the next generation

Spreading the word on the role of landscape architecture, urban design and masterplanning in all environments is not always an easy task, but it is a rewarding and exciting one.

One of the most exciting ways to do this is to transmit our enthusiasm to young people, and familiarise them with the role and impact of our professions play in everyday life.  After all, our work is not always tangible and can be taken for granted.

We were delighted to be invited to join the Camden Careers Fair at Acland Burghley School earlier this month. It was refreshing to engage with 13-15 year old students on their perception of landscape architecture, urban design and masterplanning is. Their responses certainly put us through our paces at times!

We would like to thank Acland Burghley School for the hospitality and Wates Group for the invitation and opportunity to join forces on this unique day.

The future is greener, and we looking forward to welcoming the next generation of bright minds to our world.

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Welcoming the next generation
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Inspiration in a damp climate