Phoenix Park rises from the ashes

Phoenix Park rises from the ashes

We’re proud that our codesigned meanwhile scheme at Phoenix Park for Wates Group is not only a finalist for a National Urban Design Award, but has also made the shortlist for a Pineapple Award.

The park was co-created with the local community, with care taken to ensure diverse voices represented those living in the area. It has a focus on circular economy principles – re-use, upcycle, legacy. Joists, scaffolding, pallets and bathtubs were rescued from the nearby demolition works and repurposed as planters, decking, tables, benches and play features.

75% of the materials used on site were reclaimed and will be recycled at the end of the park’s lifespan, saving at least 150 tonnes of waste and 10,000 kg of CO2 emissions. Any new materials such as planting or trees, will have a final, permanent location in the Gascoigne neighbourhood once it has been built.

Phoenix Park rises from the ashes
Phoenix Park rises from the ashes
Phoenix Park rises from the ashes
[common ground]
Phoenix Park rises from the ashes
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